Planned Giving/Endowment
Planned giving helps provide ways for you to manage your assets while providing lasting financial support to ensure that ZooMontana will continue to provide quality animal care for those in need, strong education programs for thousands of children and a gathering place for families of all kinds. Of course, planned giving benefits ZooMontana, but how about you? Below are several ways you, or your business can benefit from a lasting gift.
- A federal charitable deduction for your gift is available for those who itemize.
- A Montana credit is available for 40% of the present value of any planned gift to a permanent endowment up to a maximum of $10,000 per tax payer (individual or business).
- A Montana credit of 20% is available for a cash gift given by a business entity to a permanent endowment. With a gift of appreciated property there is no recognition of the capital gain for federal or Montana income tax purposes.
- You can qualify for a federal tax deduction, a Montana state tax credit and not have to recognize the capital gain on gifts of appreciated property.
ZooMontana does not provide financial planning or tax advising services. However, we work directly with the Billings Community Foundation to discuss and set up your lasting gift. For a list of your planned gift options, click here.
ZooMontana also has an established Endowment Fund with the Billings Community Foundation, to create a sustainable future for the Zoo. For more information on you can benefit from the Montana Qualified Endowment Credit with your qualified gift, click here.