

The wolverine is a powerful animal that resembles a small bear but is actually the largest member of the weasel family.

These tough, solitary animals may travel 15 miles in a day in search of food such as porcupines, hares, marmots, and ground squirrels. With an advantage in deep snow, they can also take down much larger animals, including caribou and moose. During the summer season, they will also occasionally eat small plants and berries.

They have strong jaws and teeth, and can crush right through bones and teeth of their prey. They even have a specialized tooth that allows them to eat frozen carcases.

Their thick fur once made them a prime target for trappers in North America. The fur was used to line the hoods of parkas, though this is far less common today. They are protected in many areas.

  • Size: Head and body, 26 to 34 in; tail, 7 to 10 in
  • Weight: 24 to 40 lbs
  • Average lifespan in the wild: 7 to 12 years

Click HERE for a Wolverine Activity Sheet!

Our Current Residents

Sid, Male - Born 2016

Sid the male came to ZooMontana in 2017 from Sweden. He was transferred to ZooMontana to take part in a crucial breeding program to create a genetically pure line of Wolverines in the event of a future breed for release program. A program such as this is intended to boost wild populations.

Ahmari, Female - Born 2016

Ahmari also came to ZooMontana in 2017 for the same reasons. She came from Finland.


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Carnivora
  • Family: Mustelidae
  • Genus: Gulo
  • Species: Gulo gulo

Animal Facts

  • Omnivore
  • Common
  • Boreal Forest, Tundra, and Grasslands
  • Mostly Nocturnal

Our Animals